Wednesday, 28 March 2012

So I'm not the best blogger around. 2 years my blog 'David's hottie of the day' lasted 2 weeks until I started it again a year later, it lasted just 1 blog post until it fell by the waste side. So I promise I will make more of an effort with this, after all I know everyone is so eager to find out how my life is treating me on crutches. Well I will tell you....SHIT!

So yesterday I went back to work. My foot was still sore but we are currently so busy I thought it would be best to go in. At lEast I wouldn't be bored. I woke up in the morning and went to put my trousers on. That was the first problem of the day. It wouldn't go over my heel. Now the pot is on my feet and leg are double the size. I pulled and pulled on it until, eventually i got them on.

As I arrived to work and walked in the office everyone turned to look, then the jokes started and everyone asking how it happend which I have told a million times now.

It was a long and challenging day. Every time I got up out of my seat everything seemed like such an effort. Luckily everyone sat around me were really nice and helpful, they collected my printing and got me drinks, they're the best!

I had a few meeting during the day and had to move around the office quite a bit. I started to get really annoyed as I got hot due to all the vigorous exercise. I keep trying to tell myself I will have hence arm muscles but even that doesn't make it easy. It still hurts my arms, wrists, hands.

When I got home I made a pizza for dinner. I'm no Heston at the best of times but there is no chance I can cook anything remotely decent at the minute. To fill the rest of the evening I had a bath which was just another ordeal in itself. I'm going to take a picture of the bath to show you. I did want to take a picture with me in it as that would be even better, however that would mean asking Phil to take the pic and that is not going to happen. Sorry.

Today when I woke up I had the same problem as yesterday, getting my trousers over my heel. Again I pulled and pulled and eventually managed it. I think I might wear shorts tomorrow just to make it easier in the morning.

Arriving to work I was feeling sorry for myself, worrying about what the day has to hold for me. It can't be worse than the previous day.

As the day progressed again everyone was so nice. They helped me so much. I'm really grateful. I don't know what I would do without them.

To be honest the day wasn't as bad as the previous however it wasn't a whole lot better either.

I can feel myself starting to get a little bit down about all of this. I feel like I can't do anything. I've lost all of my independence. That sucks, big time. I never do a lot on evenings as I don't know anyone in the area but I normally take a little walk to asda. It's not a lot but at least I get out the house. I haven't even managed to that this week. I feel like I'm going from work to 4 walls. I can't wait for the weekend to go home. See my family and friends again.

Tomorrow I have an appointment at Wigan hospital, hopefully I will find out a little bit more as the people in A&E didn't really say a lot. I'm hoping they say they made a mistake, there is nothing actually wrong and I've actually just been a total hypochondriac. That would be amazing.

I'll be sure to let you know how the appointment goes.

Oh and one last thing. I'm so angry and annoyed! This weekend I was meAnt to be going down to London to see some friends that I haven't seen in months. I was so excited but if I can't get around the office how the hell will I get around London. So I have had to cancell my trip. Gutted!

I know this has been a little bit of a rant tonight rather than an informative blog entry about what it is like to live on crutches. Well tbf this is the reality of it. It's shit!!!!!

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